michiel | 15 years ago | 7 comments | 3 likes | 5.8K views
vincent and maitegras like this!
Version 8.04 introduces the SUBMODEL property in the model layer.
A 3D model is usually built out of submodels. For example the bix model that comes with the installer is built out of 6 submodels: body, hair, top eyelid, top eye, bottom eyelid and bottom eye.
When the SUBMODEL property is set to 0, all submodels are rendered.
But when you set this property to X, only submodel X is rendered. This way you can apply a different texture and/or FX to every submodel. For example you can apply a reflection map to Bix's hair and keep his body non-reflective green.
Version 8.04 is now available for download!
excellent news michiel
This comes very well for my show on models
maitegras, 15 years ago
Great enhancement Michiel, but how do you proceed to apply an effect/texture to a submodel and an other effect/texture to a different submodel, I have tried to apply a texture but all the submodels are textured with this texture, i don't see where the program asks wich submodel must be textured.
vincent, 15 years ago
Vincent, in the example of Bix you will have to create 6 model layers all attached to the same container layer. The SUBMODEL properties of the 6 model layers are set to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This way you can apply a different texture/FX to every submodel.
michiel, 15 years ago
maitegras, great to see you are putting the new property to good use!
Maybe using the terminator font will make it even better:
michiel, 15 years ago
gracias michiel
no entiendo bien la expresion
Maybe using the terminator font will make it even betterif you could give me an example
maitegras, 15 years ago
michiel pardon.
I've seen the link of the sources
I will do the change now
maitegras, 15 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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