michiel | 18 years ago | 7 comments | 6 likes | 6.1K views
tigre and GreenfishPete like this!
Keyword in version 6 is connectivity: all media files including textures, 3D models, videos, FX files, XML files and .BT show files can be downloaded from the internet by using paths starting with http://
A nice demo of the new possibilities can be found on this page:
Version Six is great with the new features BUT things need to be simpler instead of being more complex.
With the older versions items clicked in the window could be moved and manipulated with effects but not necessarily selecting in the layer field, This is removed in v5.08 and v6.
Use FX files to create morph effects?
Morph stage in Picture Layer does not work with the FX effect as indicated. Morph Stage in Picture Layer is great or even best. Older files created with this do not work with version six. Very unfortunate. This needs to be retained in all versions. If not, more tutorials required.
More grease to your elbows Michiel. You're doing marvelously.
jsi, 18 years ago
jsi - What do you mean "Older files created with this do not work..."? I'm able to open/edit BT files with Version 6 that were created with previous versions of BT.
Also, curious what you mean by "morph stage" in picture layer??
jmarkt, 18 years ago
Sorry, what I mean is that with the morph effect, a cube could be opened/colsed like a full box and donut could be opened/closed like a mushroom, revealing the full picture, etc.
jsi, 18 years ago
Michiel, How would/are these web features used? What applications do you have in mind when you developed the software? Is anyone doing anything with this online?
BTW, I could not get the link to run.
JimH, 18 years ago
Applications we have in mind?
Electronic Billboards, IPTV, Dynamic Signs, Digital Kiosks, Narrowcasting, Digital Signage Applications, Online Photo Browsing, Retail TV, Video on Demand, Datacasting, Huge Projection Screens, VJ Performances, ScreenMedia, Vidiwalls, Electronic Display Networks, Realtime Video Titling, Retail Media, Digital in-Store Merchandising, Media Networks, 3D RSS News Feed Readers, Digital Media Networks, Broadcast Graphics, Hotel TV, Employee TV and Digital Media Networks, just to name a few
michiel, 18 years ago
I sent you an email years ago stating I thought you had the skills to make a great impression on the digital signage world. I am a long time user of Scala (version 1.0) and never could seem to scrape together the thousand or so dollars required to pay for an upgrade. If you could produce something along those lines, I would be your first customer! I am continually amazed with the things you have made possible with BT (and the associated other products) and hope you will consider going down this road as well. Take a look at what Scala Infochannel can do, and I think you will agree, you already show the same talents. Please do it for me!
A devoted fan since the Amiga days!
amiga, 18 years ago
Thanks! Good to hear from an old Amiga friend!
As a render engine, BT is already at the heart of many digital signage systems ranging from digital kiosks to SMS (mobile phone text messaging) games, electronic billboards and IPTV applications.
Take a look at the command line options (type BluffTitler /? from the command prompt) to see how easy it is to integrate BT into your own applications. Many companies are exploiting the player options in very original and creative ways.
And by using the browser mode, hyperlinks and successive shows of version 6, it's possible to create interactive presentations without having to do any coding.
michiel, 18 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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