michiel | 12 years ago | 8 comments | 5 likes | 4.8K views
IBMedia, vincent, Ulli and 2 others like this!
Next version will have an extended find dialog.
This dialog is displayed when you press CONTROl F and offers an easy way to jump to a specific layer.
In the current version you can only search on the texts, but in the next version also on the:
-layer name
So for example if you would like to know if your 200 layer show is still using the dull Arial font somewhere, press CONTROL F, enter Arial, mark the FONT checkbox and press the FIND button.
Are there any other things you would like to search on?
Other new features of the coming version:
-you can attach an existing voxel layer to an existing container
-the merged show (CONTROl M) has a time offset equal to the current time (the current time is added to the beginning of the merged show)
-bugfix: the writer property no longer displays the first character a bit longer than the others
michiel, 12 years ago
this is a good idea.
but it would also be very useful if, when (save show more media files) will also be saved sources scripts used in the project.
the same function it has to (export as a template)
maitegras, 12 years ago
Hi Michiel
-the merged show (CONTROl M) has a time offset equal to the current time (the current time is added to the beginning of the merged show)
If the "current time" is the end of the show, will the show be automatically lenghtened?
Similarly, if the "current time" is 10 seconds into a 15 second show, and you merge a show which is 30 seconds long, what will happen?
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Excellent. Thanks for that.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Michiel - Don't know how many MAC users are out there, but will the new version fix the issue of having to manually create folders for Content/Effects/Textures/Models in order to "save the show and all files"?
jmarkt, 12 years ago
jmarkt, since this issue only happens on the Mac, you are the only one who has reported it and has a perfect workaround it has low priority. Please realize that we have more feature requests than time.
michiel, 12 years ago
Understood...that's why I prefaced my remarks with "Don't know how many". I would rather have BT without folders than folders without BT! :>)
jmarkt, 12 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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