NextPreviousHomeUpdating RSS when playing a playlist inn loop

Elmedia AS | 15 years ago | 12 comments | 2.8K views

When I play a playlist inn loop with RSS feed, the feed don't update itself over time. (Even if the RSS feed contains new items)
In Setting/Internet options i have set cache to zero days.

Any suggestions?

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Setting it to -1 will force an update everytime you restart BT.

And when you press F5 (refresh) the RSS will be updated immediately!

michiel, 15 years ago

Ok. But when the playlist loops, does "-1" update its RRS feed?

Elmedia AS, 15 years ago


michiel, 15 years ago

Can i hope for a such feature in future update?
I have already deployed a signage system based on this in a gym.
I've developed a xml weather update that update several times in a day.
I use 6 BT show with the latest 6 news.
Some comersials inbetween.
All this in a loop.

Elmedia AS, 15 years ago

Which feature would you like to have?

When and how would you like to force a reload of the RSS feed? Should only the RSS file be reloaded or the pictures it links to as well?

If possible it would be great if you could place a link to a YouTube video of your system to this gallery. I'm sure this will help us understand your needs.

michiel, 15 years ago

When i'm sitting at home and develope show, everything seams to function great because I restart the show every now and then.. But when its playing in a store, the show will never update before a human action is taken to force update.

The weather xml is
Its based on

In the file i linked here i have the weather show:

And I have the news show : and

If we put this in a playlist and play this at a store somewhere, then this will not be dynamic. It will however update when you restart the player machine or restart blufftitler. (cache set to -1)

My suggestion is that in bufftitler we can set -2 in cache for refresh every loop, and -3 for refresh every show in the loop.

Images with the same filename is not nessesary to refresh

Hope you understand me.

Elmedia AS, 15 years ago

So you want to treat XML files differently than other media files?

And you want options to update the cache not only when you start the application, but also when a new show or loop starts?

Maybe the internet options dialog can be extended with the following options:

Hours (NOT days!) to keep XML files in cache: X

Update cache XML files at:
-start application
-start show
-start loop

Hours to keep other media files in cache: X

Update cache other media files at:
-start application
-start show
-start loop

Is this what you are looking for?

michiel, 15 years ago

Yes please.

Following files could potensialy be dynamic over time..?
*.XML;*.ASP;*.ASPX;*.RSS (I use ASP extension in my show)
*.BT;*.BTPL;*.BF (If I update the files over FTP)

Another option could be if you set the options in the BT script to update files.

Elmedia AS, 15 years ago

Is there any news on update cache?

Elmedia AS, 14 years ago

You can send a "BluffTitlerReloadDynamicContent" IPC message to reload all XML data.

More info can be found on the player page of the user guide:

michiel, 14 years ago

Thanks!!! Do you hava a code or exe file that can send the command every 30 - 60 minute?

Elmedia AS, 14 years ago

I was assuming you had integrated BT in your own player. We do not have such utility. Maybe the code on the player page of the user guide can get you started:

michiel, 14 years ago

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