michiel | 12 years ago | 5 comments | 7 likes | 8.7K views
Alanan, mrbernd, IBMedia and 4 others like this!
Here's a show demonstrating how you can animate stars as in the Paramount intro.
The trick is to us a font that features a star. I have used the Sosa font that has been made popular by IBMedia, Vincent and Tjeb. In this font the letter e is a star.
The path of the stars has been drawn in Bixelangelo. The stars are rendered with a text layer that is attached to the sketch layer using the EPS file generated by Bixelangelo. By animating the position of the text, the text follows the sketch.
The sketch layer has been made invisible (you only want to see the stars attached to it) by using the invisible.fx effect. You can make it visible again by removing this effect (press F9)
This article is a reply to a question by mrbernd. Thank you for your question. I hope this show can get you started.
i will try - hope it works! thank you very much! amazing support!
mrbernd, 12 years ago
Estoy ensayandolo, me parece muy bueno.Gracias
JOSE DE JESUS, 12 years ago
Bien parece mejor mi ensayo.Gracias
JOSE DE JESUS, 12 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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