NextPreviousHomeSubtitle with its audio in sync

jsoolee | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 2.2K views

Hi, I am trying to show a subtitle effectively using BluffTitler and at the same time playing its audio in sync.
If you have samle .bt files, please let me try those.

Best regaards,

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Is this for a karaoke project?

michiel, 12 years ago

Similar to karaoke but not that complicated. I like to display two sentences and showing the sentence dynamically while its audio is on. I mean the audio sync sentence by sentence.

Please help me finding similar .bt files you have.

Best regards,

jsoolee, 12 years ago

Why don't you create 2 text layers, one for every sentence, and animate the TRANSPARENCY property to make them appear and disappear at the right time?

michiel, 12 years ago

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