michiel | 7 years ago | 23 comments | 14 likes | 5.4K views
Dani, liuyongcai, Tintin and 11 others like this!
"Camera" "Go"
"Light" "Go"
"Textures" "Go"
"CFX" "Go"
"X" "Go"
"TTF" "Go"
"File system" "Go"
"4K" "Go"
"Usability" "Go"
"ZIP" "Go"
"YT promo" "Go"
"Payment system" "Go"
"Discount coupon" "Go"
"This is launch control, we are go for launch"
"ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four...Ignition sequence start"
"...three ...two... one... and liftoff, BixPack 25 - Mission to Mars has been launched!"
Thank you all!
For the details about this latest BixPack, click here:
Is this realistic to have smoke for the shuttle ? Mars has no atmosphere then ... no smoke generation !
Jeep35, 7 years ago
Jeep35, Mars has a thin atmosphere of mostly CO2 and its moon Phobos has no atmosphere at all, so yes I think you are right.
First versions of the templates had even more smoke. It's difficult to resist playing with the particle layer ?
To adjust the amount of smoke: use the EMISSION property of the particle layer.
michiel, 7 years ago
It"s a pity was not able to make the transaction to buy and download the Bixpack.
Maybe later....
Filip, 7 years ago
Michiel.... Got Mars and a couple more.....
But.... it took three tries. Once I get the product selected it keeps refusing to let me login in to my account.
Just wanted you to know that Filip was not alone in the boat.
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
Filip & Sarge, thank you for the report. I will contact our payment provider and urge them to fix their technical issues ASAP.
I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and perseverance!
michiel, 7 years ago
Michiel...The Sarge is RETIRED so a lot of stick to it time.
My concern is Outerspace losing sales, going out of business.....
No more Bluff Titler or Bix Packs.....
So, yes get them to straighten it out for you!!
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
Michiel I"m totally with Sarge not your fault its"s the provider and you loose possible new clients or loyal Bick pack buyers.....a loss for us all.
Filip, 7 years ago
Filip, if you still have trouble ordering, please contact us by e-mail. I'm sure we can sort this out:
michiel, 7 years ago
Whoepi I'm the proud possessor of Bix Pack 25.
Michiel this time no trouble.
Filip, 7 years ago
Panorama came out of Curiosity of Mars. Resolution 15000 x 1175 (a scaled down version)
The photo shows the initial landing spot of the rover and the path it has taken over its five year mission so far.
•In the background of the image a mountain can be seen that is more than 50 miles away in the distance
•The photos were taken on October 25, 2017, the 1,856th Martian day of the rover's work on the red planet
•Thanks to some clever visual effects the scene has a blue hue, rather than the rusty red associated with Mars
•The original image took over 3 months to be transmitted to earth.
komies, 7 years ago
Why hide this beautiful orchestrated show, Vincent
This disserves a article on it's own, I really like the saucer with landing gear.
Well done, and great timed sound effects.
komies, 7 years ago
Thank you Alex. To tell the truth, I hesitated but I thought that it brought nothing new, but maybe....
vincent, 7 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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Contact michiel by using the comment form on this page or at info@outerspace-software.com