michiel | 5 years ago | 11 comments | 7 likes | 1.9K views
quangtrungkg, LostBoyz, Alex-Raymond T. and 4 others like this!
Here's a GUI design for possible oscillator functionality in the VJ dialog.
In this screenshot, 120 times per minute (as set in the BPM box), a value if (0,100,0) (as set with the SENSITIVITY boxes) is added to the TEXT POSITION property.
This makes a text layer jump up and down 2 times a second during the whole show.
This functionality can be used as an alternative for lots of keyframes, but also as a "beat detection system". Since most modern music uses a fixed BPM there's no need for complex audio analysis and manually entering the right BPM works equally well!
What do you think? Any options missing?
Looks great Michiel, you know it's Christmas? You also need a day off... or a nice vacation. You deserve it!
Filip, 5 years ago
Thank you michiel, looks great, maybe just one thing more : a random signal or white noise (useful for flame light flickering).
vincent, 5 years ago
I had dreamed of it and you did it, fantastic Michiel!
I agree with Vincent's comment.
Optionally, would it be possible to have a random beat with possibly the possibility of adjusting a range? To avoid too repetitive movement.
Thank you Michiel
Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago
Random is a good suggestion. Thank you Vincent!
Alex, what do you mean with a "random beat"? A constant, random BPM? Or a BPM that changes during the show?
michiel, 5 years ago
Thanks Michiel, I also asked for a check like this some time ago. I look forward to wading will come out.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
I think of BMP which changes during the show. As with Vincent's example, a flickering flame or lighting (as Filip had recently presented). A constant Bpm is already obtained by filling in the BPM box, so that it becomes random does not seem necessary to me, but maybe someone can find an interesting use for it.
What is more interesting with your new proposal is that it frees up audio, a problem that I encounter with my montgonlfière burners.
Thank you Michiel.
Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago
the best would be if you could have a slider on the layer to activate and deactivate the function with the keyframes, in this way you could insert breaks
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
This looks as though it could come in very useful on future projects so a big thumbs up from me!
Nice to see so much still being added to BluffTitler ?
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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