michiel | 9 years ago | 7 comments | 7 likes | 4.5K views
LostBoyz, vincent, komies and 4 others like this!
Nice article in the Russian Учительская газета newspaper about the use of BluffTitler in secondary schools!
Michiel do you have the full article?
All I could find and translate was this article placed on 22th of december:
As in the TV
Educational computer software design + = GEF
Creation of interdisciplinary training projects contributes to a universal educational actions of students. Another advantage of such projects - integration of different disciplines, which is very important in the context of the federal state educational standards of the second generation. I'll tell you about the model of the organization of training projects whose products have become a video simulating in its design and issues of genre television programs.
Oleg Loschagin
Sorry, the full version of this text will be readable in 70 days. According to this article.
komies, 9 years ago
I don't know the impact of this newspaper but i am happy for you michiel, that rewards all the Outerspace's fabulous work.
vincent, 9 years ago
BT could be widely used in secondary schools. However, when I ask teachers if they know anything about this program, my colleagues often find difficulty in replying.
I decided to write an article about BT and some BixPacks (Virtual Studios, Newsrooms, and Broadcast) in Russian “Teacher’s Newspaper” (“Учительская газета”). This newspaper has been published since 1924; its circulation is 74400 copies (printed version), and it is read all over Russia.
In the article, I tried to describe how to organize study projects in which students can shoot videos imitating TV news (e.g. outerspace-software.com...).
Without a doubt, BT can have a big future in the field of education.
Long live Bluff!
Oleg Loshchagin, 9 years ago
That good news, BluffTitler is a special software for many schools and the ease with which to make pryectos. I hope soon
reaches many countries. Congratulations Michiel.
Jesus, 9 years ago
My russian is a bit rusty, but congratulations Michiel
Filip, 9 years ago
Fantastic! Congratulations Michiel.
maxste, 9 years ago
Felicidades Michiel, esto es el premio a tanto esfuerzo para que Blufftitler tenga el lugar que le corresponde
persiana, 9 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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