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michiel | 15 years ago | 9 comments | 6.3K views

A rave review by Mike Shaw in the August 2009 issue of the Film and Video Maker magazine.

One remark:

I can understand that after 6 years of free upgrades you might conclude that all future upgrades will be free as well, but that's not true. Minor upgrades will always be free, but at one point we might release a major non-free upgrade.

Not because we're greedy, but to speed up the development of all the wonderful feature requests we recieve daily via e-mail or as posts in this gallery. Developing software takes a lot of time and money and a non-free upgrade would really help!

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I totally agree on non free major upgrades because this program is so good that we all have to support it so as to keep its existence as long as can be.

Dimitris, 15 years ago

Congrads Michiel! A great program indeed. Do what you have to do. We'll all benefit. Thanks for the excellent user support.

Elect1, 15 years ago

Great program. If Michiel can write a plug-in to Vegas MovieStudio and Vegas Pro, there is big money in it. If interested, I can give contact in Sony.

bylaw, 15 years ago

I use Vegas as well. That would cool as a plugin.

Elect1, 15 years ago

Congratulations to michiel and his BT team.
Does a Rose require to advertise itself :D

babdi, 15 years ago

Agree with you Michiel, i really want to support O.Software development for a better and better product and financial support is very important. Long life to BT and other OSS products.

vincent, 15 years ago

Ok I will start the talk and put you in the loop

bylaw, 15 years ago

I work in media education, Anywhere I go, that use PCs for video work I recommend they get BT. However lots of Colleges and Universities in the UK (like where I work) use Macs for video. I have asked Michiel if in the future a Mac version was possible, He said they would love to do a Mac version. I'm hoping, the future paid upgrade might coincide with a release on Mac.

Ise, 15 years ago

I think you are a little greedy ;-)

Per, 15 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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