PiPPi | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 1.2K views
Maybe a repeat but I searched and found nothing so here goes.
I purchased BixPack 30 and needed to change the billboard x-model in one of the shows.
Been out of the loop for a while but turns out that the latest version of the 3D-model viewer freeware "Open 3D Model Viewer (open3mod)" handles exports as well.
Those kind of conversions are usually fairly tricky going, but I started out by testing exporting the KB_Billboard.X to an obj-file.
Low and behold, the obj-file opened with no issues in Cinema 4D where I could remove some stuff and exported it back out to an x-model that BT picked up with no problem whatsoever.
I imported the obj-file to C4D as a scale 1:1 and sent it out to an x-model as 1:1 and it works perfectly. Literally a 60 second job.
Thanks Michel, that certainly made my day.
PiPPi, 6 years ago