Franco Aversa | 3 years ago | 9 comments | 740 views
I made this glass in another software that blurs what passes behind. I tried to realize
the same thing in BluffTitler, using colormap and other effects.
But I'm probably rusty, couldn't position
the colormap blurred at the same distance as the original animation,
and I have not even succeeded with other "blur" effects.
I also tried with the cubemaps ... you can think of some
manner? There is an effect that blurs
what is behind it and not the image it has in the layer?
Maybe the mask effect? (the circles behind are animated)
Thanks if you want to try to play this animation ....
Attached you can see how it can be done: click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button.
Now please post an article in the Davinci Resolve forum stating what a "disaster" it is trying to make a 3D text float in 3D water, which happens to be super simple in BluffTitler...
michiel, 3 years ago
@Michiel sorry, but sometimes I don't speak well in English. I assumed that it was I who was not able to have this effect, because I'm rusty. I didn't remember that the camera had a alpha mask.
"disaster" was related to my way of proceeding incorrectly.
Sorry if I mentioned another software, but I do the same thing when I say that in Fusion you can't render effects
in real time. I'm sorry I mentioned another program. But knowing the power of BluffTitler I really put the software in creating things that other programs do. (and many times vice versa).
I turned to the community because I knew it was me who was doing something wrong. I also wrote to use a mask effect.
Many times simple things to do, we think are more complex,
so we create problems for ourselves. Surely I have already said in the past that many things that BluffTitler does other programs dream of them, both in terms of execution time and results.
So sorry, but my mistake is yet another publicity about the power of this program. Then I will do a tutorial on my channel, it will not need to say anything, if with two layers you get the result.
Franco Aversa, 3 years ago
Franco, for every app it's easy to find features that are easier or better in another app. It's much more fun and productive to focus on the features that the app excels in!
michiel, 3 years ago
Good morning Michiel,
Of course, for that I simulate the things I do with other programs, it is a training in how to best use the resources of that software.
It is not belittling or looking for the negative side of things. Then when I wanted to make glass, I had already started with the idea that I remembered it could do.
It was just that I didn't remember how, since the alpha map on the camera only appears if the blur is loaded.
It seems to me that BluffTitler has grown up accepting new challenges and problems to solve,
if I just focus on what the app does best, I would still be using version 1 of the software.
This is the same reason you are looking to make it compatible with other software files (EPS inkscape for example), otherwise what good is it?
But I don't mean to modify the software, I mean the logic of the person in trying to accomplish a thing with the possibilities that the
software has. Sometimes you can easily, sometimes more difficult, sometimes you can't. Those who see the result see a finished product, they don't know what's behind it.
Franco Aversa, 3 years ago
Engineers and politicians think about "challenges" and "problems".
Artists think about possibilities.
michiel, 3 years ago
possibilities arise from ideas Picasso also wrote: "What you do counts, not what you intend to do."
Franco Aversa, 3 years ago
World needs all kinds of people, artists, dreamers, mathematicians, philosophers, scientists etc... and even politicians.....
vincent, 3 years ago
I think what he meant is that you should not be afraid ending up with something totally different than you what originally tried to do. It's important to train yourself to see possibilities in your failed experiments.
michiel, 3 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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