NextPreviousHomeCommodore C64 - Load error

Franco Aversa | 7 years ago | 24 comments | 5 likes | 3.0K views

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Do you remember the Commodore C64 and the mythical 80s?

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Yes I do

My Commodore's where: Vic20, C64 with C-1541, Amiga500, 1200 and 4000

komies, 7 years ago

there was the CP/M operating system .....a prehistoric period for personal computers...and i was already here..L?L

vincent, 7 years ago

Back to the future...LOL !!!

I also had the C64, Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200, With Amiga I did a lot of animations that bought me!

But this animation is entirely made with BluffTitler, except for loading rows that are a video.

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Never had a about the Bally Home Library from JS&A. Still have it along with my COCO with tape and 5 inch dual floppy drive.

Nice little blast from the past Franco!! Thank you ,


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Just playing around with plasma copper list and distortion filter on camera.

press right click /select loop on screen.

komies, 7 years ago

Thank you.

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago


Thanks for the suggestion, I had started to do so, but after that, I preferred to insert the video. I'll fix it !

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

I remember the loading errors but the worst of all I think was

Abort Retry Fail


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago


yes,it's true, my animation is fantasy!

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

@Franco....not so much fantasy! LOL

Way back in the beginning we would get all sorts of error....I mean TERROR messages!!


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Nice work, Franco.

Ulli, 7 years ago

And the Guru Meditation is missing !!!

Jeep35, 7 years ago

That was the Amiga, Jeep

That big red border still haunts me :)

komies, 7 years ago

Yes, red also nerves the bulls ... LOL ; )
Then those error type: #173681736651263515361526351236512365142351243561243561243

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

I had a Sinclair ZX81 with 1K RAM.
I bought a 16K Ram Pack that could be connected to the rear of the 'computer'. It worked fine in theory but in reality, the connection to the circuit board edge was poor and after many hours of programming, the connection was often lost owing to slight movement of the ram pack. The air would be blue with profanity and frustration was obvious.
Oh the good old days.


Bald Runner, 7 years ago

eh eh 16K Ram, 32K ram, today a calculator has more memory !

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Here is the Bally Astrocade or as JS&A sold it the Bally Home Library Computer System. To the left is the Basic Cartridge and the interface for the printer or tape deck storage.

Machine had a whooping 1.8K of RAM.


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Sarge, i would like to visit your attic

vincent, 7 years ago

@Vincent.....thinking about cleaning it out. Balley and Coco are there along with a bunch of Revell Model kits and some RC birds with a Futaba system. Some round ball ammo for my muzzle stuffers, paintings I had commissioned overseas. Old stereo stuff and more junk!

It gets a little cooler and I'm going to venture up there....come on over, you can risk your life too! LOL


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Sarge's boudoir

vincent, 7 years ago

@Vincent.....pretty much it and here's the Rumpus Room!!


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Nice! We can smell the old leather, i like old devices much more than flat lcd

vincent, 7 years ago

I had a Vic20, then a CBM64, first with DolphinDOS, then with PrologicDOS (Bam).
Then I had the Amiga1000, the first Amiga that was for sale (BS1, founder organizer), and then the A500, A2000, A3000T and A4000.
The A4000 was, and is still, great for programming using the Seka Assembler.

Still have my CBM64 with accessories, an A500 and my A4000 fully upgraded + a completely new A4000 which is still in its original and sealed box.

Still using it with SuperBase Professional 4 relational database to create invoices, check the stock and for my personal music archives.

Eric_S, a year ago

I have been a reseller for Amiga series when it was the Commodore super era.

Jeep35, a year ago

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About Franco Aversa

I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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