Pioneer | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 827 views
I am trying to create a scroller inside a black box as shown to make as part of a show. How do I get the scroller to just appear inside the box and not on the background as well. I should add that I eventually want a black background and red text that I can export as a transparent *.mov file. Thank you John
First, use the POSITION property of the scroller layer to match the left side of the box.
Then use the WIDTH property to match the right side of the box.
michiel, 3 years ago
Not sure if it is what you want but you could use a colourmap, like this black box with scroller is independant from the background, you can change background or remove it without interact the scroller box.
You can adjust scrolling text (layer#8), color, text position, font, font size, width, spacing.....
Box color can be set with background color property of the layer#5.
Here an example :
vincent, 3 years ago
Wow!! Sunday morning and here you are coming to my rescue Michiel. Thank you so much that worked a treat. I am most grateful. Have downloaded the file you posted and will work with that. Cheers John
Pioneer, 3 years ago
Merci Michiel et Vincent pour ces informations.
Eddy, 3 years ago