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Pioneer | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 827 views

I am trying to create a scroller inside a black box as shown to make as part of a show. How do I get the scroller to just appear inside the box and not on the background as well. I should add that I eventually want a black background and red text that I can export as a transparent *.mov file. Thank you John

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First, use the POSITION property of the scroller layer to match the left side of the box.

Then use the WIDTH property to match the right side of the box.

michiel, 3 years ago

Not sure if it is what you want but you could use a colourmap, like this black box with scroller is independant from the background, you can change background or remove it without interact the scroller box.
You can adjust scrolling text (layer#8), color, text position, font, font size, width, spacing.....
Box color can be set with background color property of the layer#5.

Here an example :

vincent, 3 years ago

Wow!! Sunday morning and here you are coming to my rescue Michiel. Thank you so much that worked a treat. I am most grateful. Have downloaded the file you posted and will work with that. Cheers John

Pioneer, 3 years ago

Merci Michiel et Vincent pour ces informations.

Eddy, 3 years ago

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