Pioneer | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 7 likes | 889 views
Ilja, michiel, Tintin and 4 others like this!
Thanks to everybody's help with this promo. All done in BluffTitler and Affinity Photo. Cheers John
Looks good. If you get a chance I highly recommend the BixPack 33 City Lights.
It has some nice blimps.
Decentralized, 3 years ago
Great love it!
Filip, 3 years ago
Michiel I am sure I am not dreaming, but I think you somewhere commented on how to make the word "Sports" on the model look and take on a more superimposed natural looking effect. if so could you explain again please? Cheers John
Pioneer, 2 years ago
I think I would use a 3D model. Here's a quick test. I used the Special\UVModifier effect to position the picture.
The 3D model can be downloaded here:
michiel, 2 years ago