Franco Aversa | 5 years ago | 19 comments | 9 likes | 1.5K views
Ulli, Alex-Raymond T., SMSgtRod and 6 others like this!
tonight at 22:00 Italian, the partial eclipse of Moon ... obviously also on our BluffTitler!
Bonjour Franco, Ici à Québec, il pleut. Nous sommes le 16 et la lune, qu'on appelle lune Tonnerre aurait été visible à partir de 16hres et pleine à compter de 17.50 environ. Nous sommes obligés d'attendre la lune noire du 31 juillet. Car il y a eu la première lune le 2 juillet. Bon show Franco A+
Eddy, 5 years ago
Your moon didn't rotate during the eclipse as it does during a timelapse. Is this an edit or actual footage.
lightads, 5 years ago
Lighads, are you sure of that ? I'm not sure we can distinguish moon rotation (on itself) from earth because its rotation is synchrone with earth. To check....
vincent, 5 years ago
a frame taken from the video shot I took last night at the Moon.
the Moon does not rotate with respect to the earth because it always shows the same face,
however the video posted is an animation made with the BixPack 32 Moon.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
The moon doesnt rotate at all. I'm in the southern hemisphere and when i record a timelapse the moon appears to rotates anticlockwise whereas people in the northern hemisphere see the moon rotating clockwise. Try it.
lightads, 5 years ago
but what do you mean to rotate? On its axis or do you intend to rise and set?
there are trestles with rotors to counter the terrestrial motion so as to be able to take still photos or videos
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
Franco, eclipse was visible from my home, i pointed at my telescope and here's what I saw
vincent, 5 years ago
Not sure if this is the moon "rotation" being discussed, but there is a very interesting article on "Lunar Libration" and a really cool NASA animation simulating it throughout the entire year of 2011 available at the link below.
@Vincent, that was beautiful. Wish I could have seen it here in N. America!
@Franco, outstanding anim! You should work for NASA!
amiga, 5 years ago
Thank you Amiga,
thanks for the information, they are not easy to find. (I like learning new things, and I just didn't know them.)
I only knew that there was an oscillation that allowed us to see 65% of the lunar surface. From the animation of NASA it is easy to understand how they appear. But during a short time as an eclipse there is no movement because, as we read, this inclination occurs in a month.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
J'ai raté cette éclipse en réel , donc merci pour cette simulation.
Trop rigolo ce qu'a vu Vincent dans son télescope ??
PAT67, 5 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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