Franco Aversa | 6 years ago | 20 comments | 10 likes | 1.9K views
Ulli, michiel, Dani and 7 others like this!
even the space probes reach Mars thanks to BluffTitler ....
Cool, the Bluff space program comes alive!
Filip, 6 years ago
thanks, from the Nasa site I also found the 3D Insight lander but I could not convert it to File X. If any of you succeeded, you could do animations with the lander on the surface. I saw it only in Blender.
it would not be difficult to redesign it in BluffTitler because there are also textures, but it takes some time.
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
Franco (and others) here a .x conversion i done for your projects. Keep textures near the .x (in the same folder)
With uvmodifier, a good reflectionmap, a bit of specularity model looks realistic with a good quatilty
vincent, 6 years ago
Franco i have exported from Blender to .OBJ (.x, 3ds exports do not work very well with that model) then jiggling with various scripts&converters i obtain DirectX. Blender exportation to .x not very sure. Since a long time i try to understand various 3D format looking in files content and with the help of informations found on internet, i understood some things, but most part stays complex
vincent, 6 years ago
Wow, that's a super detailed model. Thank you Vincent for converting it!
In this screenshot I have placed it in a BixPack 25 template. Nice!
michiel, 6 years ago
beautiful, pity that with Blender does not convert all x files well.
I have tried other converters but they do not work.
It would take an Outerspace converter.
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
Franco, have you ever tried AccuTrans3D? I exported the lander from Blender to an obj-file and imported it as such in AccuTrans3D and exported it as a x-file (ASCII). It worked well and all the textures were perfectly retained. It's really a complex model, BT took some time to open it, but then it displayed it in all ist glory.
BTW, thanks for the NASA 3D model site. I didn't know something like that existed.
Thor5ten, 6 years ago
Here's the lander with the arm deployed. Bix took him home and now the lander is not amused.
Thor5ten, 6 years ago
Thank you very much Thor5ten,
it's the first program that converts and the file is accepted, thanks.
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
Indeed, the Martians will probably find the drilling in the ground more disturbing than your egotrip ?
michiel, 6 years ago
@vincent tried to download the model but the link doesn't work.
Filip, 6 years ago
@Vincent ??
Filip, 6 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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