Franco Aversa | 8 years ago | 11 comments | 8 likes | 3.3K views
Dani, paul cola, persiana and 5 others like this!
This is my first 360° animation.
I love the Ultimate upgrade !
Spatial Media Metadata Injector to create 360 Youtube videos doesn't work on my Windows7 64b, program opens and closes and i have not the time to read the script lines in DOS windows.
vincent, 8 years ago
I'm sorry, it's strange, at me it works with Windows 7 64bit, but now I have Windows 10. But the program stops even before showing the initial form ? The video must be mp4 for insert Python.
Franco Aversa, 8 years ago
Strange indeed, i have no form displayed, i tried to install Python but that does'n solve the problem, i'll try on an other computer
vincent, 8 years ago
Try version 2.0, is your windows 7 32bit then you must install manually see link.
There where some false positives in anti-virus as windows defender and Norton that may caused the issue.
komies, 8 years ago
I have desactived antivirus & firewall and reinstalled Python but i have the same problem, i tried to capture DOS window before it closes, here is the image:
vincent, 8 years ago
try to download the latest version, I read that these people have the same problem with Windows 7 64bit
Franco Aversa, 8 years ago
I tried Python 2.7.12 too because they said to download Python 2, but i'll try 3.5.2. Thank you Franco.
vincent, 8 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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