Franco Aversa | 7 years ago | 9 comments | 12 likes | 1.9K views
LostBoyz, michiel, Eddy and 9 others like this!
maybe we have so many colors ...
So many particles, and so colorful, Franco
Is this from a BluffTitler's artist body which I could understand.
A question: Why don't you press the Like button on other artist shows?
It is not mandatory it is just a thing I noticed ? and feel free to do what you do. ✌
komies, 7 years ago
Some rate, some comment, some rate and comment, some don't rate and don't comment, some stop suddenly to rate and to comment....The human nature is varied and complex as can be seen with all these small colored cells ?? ?? c'est la vie!
vincent, 7 years ago
Really sorry! I have always commented, I did not think to put "like" because I did not think it was important, because I look at the comments in my posts and I do not look the "like", I did not do it with malice.
From now on I also press "like"
Franco Aversa, 7 years ago
I have found on forums that the comment to view ratio is usually 1%. For females it may go to 3%. LOL
I may not leave a comment, but a LIKE does allow me to show appreciation for the effort.
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
I like, I like, I like the show. Bravo.
Eddy, 7 years ago
amazing colours - great show
DaveH, 7 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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