vincent | 5 months ago | 10 comments | 9 likes | 330 views
michiel, Ulli, songbaojin and 6 others like this!
I tried to create a model of my much-regretted Marantz receiver.
I started from an old show upgraded with the PBR filter.
I encountered a lot of problems importing in Sketchfab, in particular textures positioned on the wrong objects or with completely different colors.
I haven't solved everything but I realized that in my project the potentiometer buttons were models .X format and it seems that this disturbs Sketchfab because once changed the result was satisfactory.
There are still some problems particularly on the oscilloscope.
Excellent model!
Super proud models of this quality can be created with BluffTitler!
michiel, 5 months ago
Thank you, and yes with BT we can create very HQ models, respecting strictly the limitations described here :
To these limitations I would add that it is better to avoid the .x format if you insert models in the show that you export as GLB.
vincent, 5 months ago
It looks great!
Filip, 5 months ago