vincent | a year ago | 13 comments | 13 likes | 705 views
michiel, DaDa, bambamD and 10 others like this!
Inspired by the intro of the Manifest series.
Thank you Tommy and Liuyongcai.
Text is done with 2 vectors : one with the text the other with the text + plane imprint, then i have just to switch from one to other with tranparency at the right moment.
vincent, a year ago
The glowing markers on the runway look amazing. Really great text effect at the end!
michiel, a year ago
Blockbusters! I love them!
shoji M, a year ago
Wow great video. Tried the plane-text once. But gave it up.
Filip, a year ago
L'avion décolle à contre sens. La piste est activée pour des atterrissages dans le sens des flèches, il y a un méga risque de collision !!!!
The plane takes-off on a runway activated for landing !!
Jeep35, a year ago
Patrick, c'est ton commentaire qui est lumineux ☺️.
JP, c'est vrai, grosse faute du pilote mais avec BT tout est possible.
vincent, a year ago