vincent | a year ago | 21 comments | 8 likes | 991 views

chaver, Thor5ten, LostBoyz and 5 others like this!

Method with colormap

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Nice work!vincent 。

liuyongcai, a year ago

Great work!

Filip, a year ago

Television news stations should be your customers. Impressive work with fitting audio sting.

Thor5ten, a year ago

Thank you all for your kind comments.

vincent, a year ago

Beau travail Vincent. Bonne interprétation du sh ow de shoji M.

Eddy, a year ago


chaver, a year ago

Your video is well-made but, with all due respect, I find the content utterly inappropriate as you use the tragic war that’s going on right now as something of a show element. It would be commendable if you would remove it and remake it with another subject matter.

DaDa, a year ago

What content exactly is inappropriate ? are there corpses, insults, violence of pornography etc..?
In what I use the war ?!
So ask Youtube to remove all videos about the war in Ukraine and all other wars.
I hope we can still talk about the war here?? Even if I have my opinion my show is totally neutral and I will not remove it unless Michiel asks me but in this case i'll leave the gallery.
Last point : i don't make money with my shows so i don't use war.

vincent, a year ago

You figured out the trick. Well done, sir.

Decentralized, a year ago

Vincent, I’m sure you acted out of good faith and I certainly didn’t mean to upset or offend you. I'm sorry if I did.

These flags stand, at this point in history, especially for the untold human suffering that’s going on as we speak. In wartime, flags can hardly be used in a neutral way, certainly not in a showcase video with a fast-beat soundtrack. The flashy flowing into one another of the two flags and country names (by the way, it’s ‘Ukraine’) seems to convey some sort of exciting sports competition between the two countries, rather than the deathly conflict it is.

To be sure, I find your video great in all other aspects.

DaDa, a year ago

DaDa, you're right it was not my intention to do politics but it was to make an animation on a screen divided in 2 and I found that the current world divided more than ever in 2 illustrated well.
I watch the news, a lot of people in my family died in different wars so I don't ignore the atrocities of what is happening now.
My turn to be sorry, I agree to block my video since it hurts you so much. Vincent.

vincent, a year ago


DaDa, a year ago

Looks great, Vincent!

Ulli, a year ago

Hi Vincent love the effect, can you elaborate on how you achieved it please. Thank you John

Pioneer, a year ago

1) The left part of the screen is a pic where i apply Effects\Special\GradientFeather.cfx with FX smooth set to 0, FX clip left right set to -500, 0 to crop the half right.

2) The right part of the screen is the same pic where i apply Effects\Special\GradientFeather.cfx too with FX smooth set to 0 too but FX clip left right set to 0, 500 to crop the half left.

3) I add a colourmap where i set resolution to 8000, 4500 for better quality and where i place my texts, models etc...I create my movements with keys on timeline.
4) Once it's ok duplicate the colourmap.
5) I change 1st pic texture with 1st colourmap.
6) I change 2 nd pic texture with 2 nd colourmap.

All changes of position, rotation in 1st colourmap must be repeated in 2nd so the better way it to duplicate colourmap once all movements (position, rotation...) of layers inside colourmap are ok.

7) What differentiates the left part from the right part of the screen is the effect that I apply on the camera of the 2nd colourmap only (here i use Effects\Filters\Contours.cfx) but we can also use different effects in layers of colourmap1 and other effects for layers of colourmap2. There thousands od possibilities.

In the video i place a text and 2 models (ostrich and bix) in each colourmap and i add a vertical line (sketch) as separation.

* the advantage of this technique is that you can put any type of layers and effects.
* the inconvenience and that we must not forget to pass on the movements modifications to the 2 colormaps under penalty of lag.
I hope this helps you. Vincent.

vincent, a year ago

Thank you Vincent will have a go at this tomorrow. Cheers John

Pioneer, a year ago

Also thank you for the instructions, Vincent. You have a kind heart, and care about other's feelings. It's sucks sometimes, but at the end of the day we are here for helping each other, and showing off a little bit sometimes. 😁

Decentralized, a year ago

WoW! Awesome technique vincent! Thank you!

LostBoyz, a year ago

Thousand thanks Decentralized, I am very touched by your words of support because I really needed it, thank you also LB.
Pioneer i placed a link to a very simple example, if you change or add a text make sure to do it in both colourmap (layer#6 and #10).

vincent, a year ago

Merci Vincent pour toutes ces explications et le téléchargement. Tu as toujours de bonnes astuces et tu nous en fait profiter !!!

le beau jojo, a year ago

Avec plaisir LBJJ.

vincent, a year ago

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