vincent | a year ago | 16 comments | 9 likes | 520 views

michiel, Ulli, liuyongcai and 6 others like this!

Floating particles in mysterious ocean

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Strange atmosphere. Great!

Filip, a year ago

Floating particles in mysterious ocean, Great!vincent

liuyongcai, a year ago

Thanks Filip and liuyongcai.

vincent, a year ago

Very trippy.

Decentralized, a year ago

A magical Vincent it...

Dani, a year ago

Magical! Love the dreamy fairy tale atmosphere ✨🍄✨🍄🍄✨✨

Have you tried setting the 3rd dropdown of the particle layer to VERTICAL ALIGN BOTTOM? Maybe this prevents the mushrooms from sinking in the ground.

michiel, a year ago

Thank you Michiel, i'll try your suggestion.

vincent, a year ago

Michiel, particle layer is already VERTICAL ALIGN BOTTOM (default) i tried other value but it's not better. Maybe problem comes from the particle layer is attached to a sketch, in fact, I made this show a bit by chance while I was testing with the Spaghetti tool.

vincent, a year ago

Magical, or are these mushrooms hallucinogenic...🤣🤣

Franco Aversa, a year ago

Thank you Franco.

vincent, a year ago

Vincent, I did a test with a particle layer using a 3D model, attached to a sketch layer using a 3D sketch.

VERTICAL ALIGN TOP (left picture) makes Bix attach to the sketch with his head.

VERTICAL ALIGN CENTRE (centre picture) makes him attach at waist height.

VERTICAL ALIGN BOTTOM (right picture) makes him attach to the sketch with his feet.

I don't know if your 🍄🍄🍄 look better when they do not sink into the floor, we have to try to find out, but technically it must be possible. Maybe the sketch position is not aligned with the floor position.

michiel, a year ago

Michiel, thank you for your time. Because sketch is not in a flat plane it's normal to have not all the object on the same plane as show in your pic. In my show the problem comes from particle layer setting.
I managed to minimize the problem by giving the same value to the minimum and maximum number of particles and the same value to the 3 data on the size of the particle and finally by considerably extending the lifespan of the particle.
The result is a little different, particle are more stable and the mushrooms no longer sink into the ground.

As I said earlier in this post, this show is a bit the result of the chance when testing the Spaghetti tooll. If I had gone with the idea of ​​creating a mushroom field I probably would not have thought of using Spaghetti tool.
I'll post the new result.

vincent, a year ago

Mysterious issue Vincent. We still fail to reproduce the problem. The bottom of the mushroom is a bit below the ground so aligning with the bottom is not exactly what you want, but this can not explain the phenomenon as seen in the video.

When you post the media files we can take a look at it. Remember that you do not have to include the model because we can download it from Sketchfab:

michiel, a year ago

Here is the version with stabilized particles. I reduce a little number of particles too.

vincent, a year ago

Awesome! I love the fairy atmosphere!

Ulli, a year ago

Belle virtuosité et des effets luxueux. Attention au champignons hallucinogènes

PAT67, a year ago

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