NextPreviousHomeSplit-Flap Display

vincent | 6 months ago | 10 comments | 9 likes | 493 views

michiel, MrGruntHunter, irina1208 and 6 others like this!

Animation to download using a 3D Split-Flap display model I made.
The model uses only one texture so it can be easily replaced in BT (change texture function [F8]).

The texture is made up of 6x8 boxes, each boxe is 512x512 pixels and is used to one character.
the first 43 boxes contain the displayable characters.
the 44th is not used (for the moment).
the last 4 are used for the texture of the case, the axis of rotation and the wheels.

The 7th model in example uses a different texture.

To animate a character on the Split-Flap model, simply vary the 2nd slider of the Animation Speed parameter while leaving the 1st slider to value zero.
Remember that the value of the slider can exceed 1, this is useful when you want to adjust the rotation speed of the flaps between 2 keys.

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Great Share Vincent, thank you.

lightads, 6 months ago

Powerful model!

Interesting to see how you've used a BluffTitler show to create a general purpose model that is turned into a more complex and personalized show by loading it back into BluffTitler. You could go 1 step further by exporting the result as a new model. Using models to make bigger models feels like robots making robots making robots making robots making robots 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖😧🤖

michiel, 6 months ago

Thank you times a million Vincent for all your hard work and the download.
I love it.

Decentralized, 6 months ago

Thank you all. Cool use Decentralized.
I have updated the model.

vincent, 6 months ago

Grazie per la condivisione ma, non riesco a scaricarlo, mi dice: Anteprima non disponibile.
Il file è nel cestino del proprietario

nonnogio, 6 months ago

Nonnogio, ho dimenticato di modificare il collegamento a Google Drive dopo aver modificato il modello, ora dovrebbe funzionare.

vincent, 6 months ago

Grazie tutto ok. Per me un esempio vale piu di mille spiegazioni.

nonnogio, 6 months ago

Great! Thank you very much for sharing, Vincent!

Ulli, 6 months ago

Thank you Vincent.

very clever way of doing the animation with glb. wow. I need to look into this way of doing things in the future. very nice. much appreciated

Rorysee, 6 months ago

Thank you to all those take the time to provide feedback, this is the only way there will be more downloadable shows here.
I'm glad the model is useful to you.

vincent, 6 months ago

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