Doodles | 6 months ago | 5 comments | 191 views
Dear Bix Community,
Does anybody know if it is possible to add an external website link to a picture layer in Bluff, so that if someone clicks on the picture layer they will be taken to that website?
Choose LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... to add a link to the active layer.
When this points to a .bt file, this BluffTitler show file is opened. When this points to a web page, the page is opened in your default browser. For security reasons only files with known extensions like html and php are accepted. Set the trusted extensions in the INTERNET AND CACHING tab of the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog.
And to prevent your changes are lost, clicking is only possible when the show has been saved.
michiel, 6 months ago
Oh, amazing!
I will give it a try.
Thank you Michiel.
Doodles, 6 months ago
Dear Michiel,
Unfortunately non of my external website links seem to be working, so I tried linking to another bluff show on my hard-drive and that didn't work either. I am wanting to link to my Tiktok or YouTube channel, but nothing happens when I click on the picture layer:(
I saved the show first and exported, but nothing.
Doodles, 6 months ago
Links no longer work after exporting as a video or model file. That's because video and model files do not support links.
michiel, 6 months ago
Oh, I see.
Thank you:(
Doodles, 6 months ago