NextPreviousHomeSpaghetti show (Convalescence)

vincent | a year ago | 10 comments | 7 likes | 514 views

Tintin, liuyongcai, songbaojin and 4 others like this!

Convalescence after falling through barbed wires.

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Great! Nice glasses

Filip, a year ago

Very cool.

Decentralized, a year ago

That's another name we could have called it: the mummy tool 😁

Well done πŸ‘πŸ»

michiel, a year ago

Vincent how did you do this?
Every part separated?
What were the settings in the spaghetti tool (the bindings are so thigh)

Filip, a year ago

Thank you all.

Yes separated parts : head, chest, hips, thighs, legs, forearms, arms (see our discussion

I have exported each part as pic using BluffTitler.

For each pic I have generated spaghetti sketch fumbling around with Michiel's settings :

vincent, a year ago

Great job!

Filip, a year ago

Very cool.😁vincent πŸ‘πŸ»

liuyongcai, a year ago

Hahaha, this is great! But the poor Toby...

Ulli, a year ago

Ah, Ah, Très rigolo ! As-tu essayé ensuite d'enlever les bandes ? Tu vas certainement découvrir le Toby invisible ! πŸ€©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ah, Ah, Very funny! Did you then try to remove the tapes? You will definitely discover the invisible Toby! πŸ€©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Alex-Raymond T., a year ago

Thank you all. Alex, j'ai peur que ca soit un peu gore en dessous des bandages, je vais laisser cicatriser un peu.

vincent, a year ago

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