vincent | 4 months ago | 18 comments | 11 likes | 351 views
liuyongcai, Ilja, songbaojin and 8 others like this!
Just a fiction for fun. The future in op rooms : AI + robotic arms 😩😊
Vincent great show.
Had some heart surgery the past few years. and waiting for this kind of development
Filip, 4 months ago
For sure Filip, AI will bring you great things in medical, I heard that AI has opened up new horizons for much more targeted antibiotics thanks to simulation models that only AI can compute quickly.
AI, nanotechnologies etc... will cause a lot of things to evolve, let's just hope it's for the good.
I hope you recover well so that you can get back on your mountain bike and ride in the forest.
vincent, 4 months ago
Those tubes are absolutely amazing. The entire video is. And perfect for a Halloween mood.
Decentralized, 4 months ago
Great show, Very realistic! vincent
shoji M, 4 months ago
Hi Alex, i hope you are ok you seem very busy.
For our patient YES we have the technology, a few welds here and therea and the replacement of defective parts and it's back for 50 years.
vincent, 4 months ago
Pretty sure I figured out how you light up the tubes to look like something is moving one direction in it. Now what to use it on,lol. Poor example of just what I used to figure it out on. a straight sketch line with tapered ends.
Decentralized, 4 months ago
BixPack 40 heavily uses the ProceduralTextures\Gradient and ProceduralTextures\Gradient_Additive effects to animate colour gradients on sketch layers.
Here's a tutorial:
michiel, 4 months ago
Hi decentralized you have several solutions to animate tubes as in my video.
1) duplicate a sketch and use Scanlines.cfx effect on it.
2) use Gradient.cfx effect (examples in Bixpack40)
3) use UVModifier.cfx effect and animate with texture speed
4) use UVModifier.cfx and move texture with keys
Then you have to choose striped textures with straight or inclined stripes
vincent, 4 months ago
I have BixPack 40
I should have took the time to figure out what all was going on in the shows.
That method, and Vincent's all look better than simply messing with the plasma copper rings.
Thank you both so kindly.
Decentralized, 4 months ago
just an other thing, you can use the glow checkbox in layer property to add light.
vincent, 4 months ago