vincent | 9 months ago | 12 comments | 9 likes | 485 views
michiel, LostBoyz, bambamD and 6 others like this!
Watch with Split-flap display done with V11_ScoreFlipper.cfx.
Is it possible to update this effect adding
- FX reflection factor for reflection map or cubemap
- FX colourmap factor
- FX normal Strengh
- FX Roughness / Metalness
-FX Lighting
Thank you.
Great watch Vincent. Love the details in the textures!
Filip, 9 months ago
Excellent cooperation between a BluffTitler effect and a 3D model. It looks amazing!
Thank you for your requests. Maybe we can automate the process of creating the texture and animating it with the ScoreFlipper effect by a tool in Alphabix. Just like we did with the cubes:
michiel, 9 months ago
Thank you, Tommy, Filip and michiel, yes maybe something possible with Alphabix.
vincent, 9 months ago