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vincent | a year ago | 13 comments | 8 likes | 542 views

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Spaghetti tool

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Very adequate use of the tool. Great work
How did you create the barbed wire?

Filip, a year ago

i have attached text to sketch

vincent, a year ago

Great !!vincent

liuyongcai, a year ago

Excellent solution to attach a text. Great Vincent

Franco Aversa, a year ago

Brilliant idea!

Question is: which font and which letter?

I could not find a suitable font, so I created a vector shape in Bixelangelo with 3 points and used the MEDIA > CHANGE GLYPH... dialog to replace every X by this shape.

michiel, a year ago

i use Font creator when i need special characters font. For example here i use the folowing shape to create the character (straight bevel 2 | 2.5 | 0)
Michiel, I think your shape is better (mine is a little too thin).

I suppose there is a font with symbols which could work fine but difficult to find the right font among the hundreds of thousands existing.

I never think about "CHANGE GLYPH" it's true that it works too and no need to create a font

vincent, a year ago

Instead of attaching a text layer and using the MEDIA > CHANGE GLYPH... dialog, you could also attach a vector layer. Set the number of shapes with the CHARACTERS prop. Other important props are SPACING and TEXT ROTATION. And set the sketch layer to ATTACHED LAYERS FOLLOW SKETCH (2nd dropdown).

It's technically possible to create realistic barbed wire with only sketch layers. That would be a nice new export option!

michiel, a year ago

The barbed wire is a great idea!

Ulli, a year ago

Found 3 fonts to create a simple barbed wire.
Choose the sketch file, settings "CIRCLE and
repeat the letter x and use spacing. Use one of the Fonts in the picture and set it to INFLATED

Filip, a year ago

You barbed wire look better than mines.

vincent, a year ago

I read your comments and that of Michiel. With the help of your information and a few "pointy Fonts" it was simple. Couldn't do it without your and Michiels info.

Filip, a year ago

Great show

Dani, a year ago

Thnx Dani

Filip, a year ago

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