Filip | 5 months ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 183 views
songbaojin likes this!
Is it possible to lock right part of a human model to the left when editing.
In this way we can change a model much easier and quicker.
Do you mean hide all SX/JX of a side to reduce list ? that would be interesting for human/robots but I'm not sure that they are still identifiable if we can only base ourselves on the label.
It's true that some models have hundreds of settings, it's not easy to navigate.
vincent, 5 months ago
Vincent that's not my purpose. Say I want to enlarge both feet. I now have to search for the SX ... LeftFoot set the SX value, remember the value and scroll to SX...RightFoot and set it to the same value.
It would be great to set both values at once.
Filip, 5 months ago
Thnx LostBoyz great didn't know that. And I found it in the use guide....stupid me!
Filip, 5 months ago
Filip I misread the question!
LB is right, it's a very useful feature also for linking a container to a specific part of a model (joint).
vincent, 5 months ago