NextPreviousHomeProblem displacement distortion

Filip | 5 years ago | 3 comments | 3 likes | 1.1K views

LostBoyz, michiel and Pixelpanther like this!

Michiel I tried to make a scale or A box with the displacement effect. But when I use Picture Style Flat or Solid there are distortions. When I use Single Sided the backside is transparent.

I have found a workaround but I asked myself is there a better solution, did I do something wrong?

This is the show:

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The SINGLE SIDED style only renders the front. So the back is not transparent in this style, it is simply not rendered at all.

The SOLID style does not work with displacement mapping because the texture coordinates are not continuous at the edges.

The FLAT style works, but only if the displacementmap matches the colourmap. Make sure the displacementmap is black when the colourmap is transparent.

However this will mirror the shape and I think you want a single double sided shape. This can indeed be done, as you did with 2 SINGLE SIDED picture layers. That's not a "workaround", that's creative use of technology!

michiel, 5 years ago

Thnx for the compliment! It was a long road to the creative solution :-)

Filip, 5 years ago

Thank you Filip and Michiel for this "Questions / answer".
Just for information and to remember solving a similar problem that Michiel gave me some time ago with .x files.
Media files of the example:

You will notice that the "Open Cube -1" have a thickness of minus -1

Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago

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