Filip | 6 years ago | 9 comments | 6 likes | 2.1K views
SMSgtRod, LostBoyz, komies and 3 others like this!
The Bix.cfx works at least partial to animate bixpixels.
Something that I noticed that is exceptional is Bix's walking
stride is perfect.... not as if sliding on ice or on a moving
Very good Filip
SMSgtRod, 6 years ago
Still think the BixPixels model deserves its own effect, but great to see the Special\Bix effect can bring the model to life as well. Good job!!!
michiel, 6 years ago
If I have well understood, procreation of Bix is done with their eyes !!!
Ok I'm out !!!
Jeep35, 6 years ago
Nice comments all. And Jeep35 you never can tell with Aliens!
Filip, 6 years ago
Genial, muy buen trabajo y te quedo muy bien.
Jesus, 6 years ago