Filip | 6 years ago | 7 comments | 8 likes | 1.8K views

Alex-Raymond T., LostBoyz, PAT67 and 5 others like this!

Sapple spoof. Sapple is a free translation of the dutch wordt "sappel". We have a saying:
"Maak je niet sappel" (Do not worry).

Any resemblance to actual company or logo, is entirely coincidental.

I used the BixPack30-Screens /Template 24-Phone_4

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Muy bueno Filip, parece que la cosa va de anuncios.

persiana, 6 years ago

Trop rigolo , ?? le ver est dans le fruit

PAT67, 6 years ago

for the fly that eats the apple did you use an eps with the writing property?

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Persiana and Pat thanks.
Franco I used 3 almost the same eps files . One original, the second with the hole in it and the third with a hole and the ....head from.......
For the fly I used Clip.cfx on one layer to disapear from the top. Maybe there are better ways to create this.

Filip, 6 years ago

nice ideas.

vincent, 6 years ago

Nice Show Filip

elvis66, 6 years ago

What a funny spoof, Filip! ?

Ulli, 6 years ago

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