Filip | 4 years ago | 11 comments | 10 likes | 1.2K views
LostBoyz, SparkyVegas, Pioneer and 7 others like this!
Some times folowing an online animation course, for the use of Cartoon Animator, gives ideas for spicing up your animatins in BluffTitler.
Altough I can't re-create it in full. I think this wil do....until I find a better solution.
I like to share my finding with the community. Maybe you can do better and I can learn from you!
It's as Michiel says: "Good old keyframing"
(Sorry Pioneer it's now visible)
Filip c'est ce que l'on appelle bien rebondir. Le partage est appréciable , merci Filip
PAT67, 4 years ago
Thnx all.
Filip, 4 years ago
Nicely done. Thanks Fillip!
SparkyVegas, 4 years ago
Well done Filip! Perseverance bears fruit, and sharing the light. Thanks again.
Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago