NextPreviousHomeCartoonish text animation (Problem Solved)

Filip | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 3 likes | 1.0K views

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Michiel is it possible to create an BezierCurve.cfx as a text effect.

I have added this effect in this video (on two text layers, with the use of the Text layer property Fx Transparency invert slider on Yes).

As you see this doesn't work on the backside of the text!

Look at my comment lower in this post. The problem is solved!

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I think Michiel gave us some good ideas here

chaver, 3 years ago

Chaver I used that advise in this video. The question is about a different problem.

Filip, 3 years ago

At 0:01 you can see that the effect does not write the depth buffer. This way it is overwritten by other layers rendered afterwards, in front or behind it. This is convenient when rendering it 2D in the background, but indeed not desirable the way you use it. The same result can be achieved by using the 3D IN BACKGROUND style of the picture layer so it's not really necessary for the BezierCurve effect to do this by itself. However turning the depth buffer on has the risk of breaking old shows, so we have to do some compatibility testing before doing this. Thank you for the report!

michiel, 3 years ago

I did not understand a part of your writing but it got me thinking, i could use a colourmap layer with two pictures with the Picture layer style 2 - Fullscreen in the background option.
Both with the BezierCurve.cfx. One of them uses the Text layer property - Fx Transparency invert slider on Yes.

This Colourmap is used as a texture for the textlayer.

Problem solved. I have update the video.

Filip, 3 years ago

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