NextPreviousHomeJigsawPuzzle3D with FX Mirror Back option

Filip | 6 years ago | 12 comments | 9 likes | 2.0K views

Tintin, Dani, SparkyVegas and 6 others like this!

@ Franco Aversa: This is the show with the FX Mirror Back option

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Looks great Filip.

Unfortunately I can't get it to play

SMSgtRod, 6 years ago

If I adjust any setting it becomes a mess. Also my pieces don't have a reverse image. It may be the size issue again.

lightads, 6 years ago

Multiple incompatible versions of the JigsawPuzzle3D effect have been published in this community.

I advise you to delete all old versions and download it again.

michiel, 6 years ago

Perfect Filip...

Dani, 6 years ago

So if there's a CFX file in my current saved folder and I open that project, will bluff use that CFX file or the one in the Bluff installation folder?

lightads, 6 years ago

Lightads, the latest version ( installs the JigsawPuzzle3D effect in the Effects\Special folder so you can delete the effect from all other folders.

I am sorry for the confusion. We will no longer publish experimental effects in this community.

michiel, 6 years ago

very strange, I downloaded your puzzle animation and for 3 days it did not work.
Now suddenly the image appeared in BluffTitler .... I think it's an Egyptian magic !!

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

That's because ver has the latest JigsawPuzzle3D CFX file installed and was released today.
Great work Michiel

lightads, 6 years ago


I had downloaded the effect but the puzzle was black and white and it was not possible to add more lines of puzzles. only now works correctly

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Oh Michiel don't do that please we love experimental effects.

Filip, 6 years ago

I'm agree with Filip or maybe create a folder ...\filters\experimental\

vincent, 6 years ago

Very good, Filip!

Ulli, 6 years ago

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