
Filip | 6 years ago | 11 comments | 6 likes | 2.8K views

Dani, MrGruntHunter, Sma and 3 others like this!

@Michiel: Is it possible to add the following to the JigsawPuzzle3D.cfx effectuse:
Load a texture in the "Texture 3" box and map this texture on the backside of the puzzle?
In a similar way as this show.
This would work much easier and I hope the show works more smoothly.

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Very cool Filip! :)

LostBoyz, 6 years ago

Filip, done!

Use the FX MIRROR BACK property to correct the UV mapping of the back.

And set the FX COLOUR BACK prop to (255, 255, 255).

The updated version can be downloaded here:

michiel, 6 years ago

why doesn't the image appear in mine animation?
My puzzle is in black and white without image,
I tried to change it but is the same.

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Franco maybe something with FX EPS size and FX Puzzle position. Filip: nice show, michiell: thanks for the filter update

vincent, 6 years ago

Franco have you put in texture 3?

chaver, 6 years ago

I downloaded the animation ready and I did not touch anything, I can not see the insert image in any way. If I move the texture I see the image, but it should not already be mapped right?

If I have not misunderstood, an EPS defines the shape of the puzzle card and then
there is an image a cubomap and a reflection map.

What could be wrong?

Please you can post a simple example ready, so I see if that also does not work?

Thank you

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

la fonction fx mirror back n' apparaît pas chez moi , donc pas mappage au dos des puzzles
pourtant j'ai fait la maj vers 14.1.01

PAT67, 6 years ago

Michiel tried it and it works great! Thnx, thnx, thnx.
As an example I tried it on the show in the download.

@Franco Aversa, Have you tried the other settings that Michiel gave?

Filip, 6 years ago

Patrick, il faut télécharger la mise à jour du filtre dans la réponse de michiel dans cet article.

vincent, 6 years ago

Franco do you have image in both these ?

chaver, 6 years ago

Merci Vincent là ça marche

PAT67, 6 years ago

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