Filip | 4 years ago | 9 comments | 13 likes | 1.1K views
Ulli, LostBoyz, Krista and 10 others like this!
I asked if it was possible to create a video like this one:
It is not 100% but with my limited capabilities I made this...with tips from komies and michiel (thnx)
You have to enlarge the layers 9 and 10, set the second slider to 2.26 and 2.6!
Très intéressante réalisation Filip
les textures orange read et yellow sont une création personnelle ?
PAT67, 4 years ago
Thnx all.
@ Michiel it only works with colourmap layers. With two particle layers on top of each other the colors are blended. Maybe there is anoter way...but I did't found it.
Filip, 4 years ago
Persiana, de nada.
Filip, 4 years ago
Thnx Ulli
Filip, 4 years ago