NextPreviousHomeFlexibility property

Filip | 5 years ago | 10 comments | 11 likes | 1.9K views

gato@mo, chaver, Dani and 8 others like this!

A text tot text transition with the use of the following properties:
- Text rotation
- Pivot point
- Transparency
- Flexibility
- Explosion

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muy bien Filip

persiana, 5 years ago

very nice the flexibility with the explosion!

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

I like that so much I'm going to give it a whirl.....pun intended!

SMSgtRod, 5 years ago

Flexibility is great with text and cloth

vincent, 5 years ago

??? Filip

elvis66, 5 years ago

Bien joué

PAT67, 5 years ago

Can someone explain how does Pivot Point work?

lightads, 5 years ago

Flexibility looks great with explosion.

Ulli, 5 years ago

All thnx.
@Lightads: Pivot point is the (virtual) center of an object. When you rotate an object it rotates around this point. When you are changing the Pivot point property of an object you can press F2 so you see the old Pivot point large and the new Pivot point.

Filip, 5 years ago

Good show Filip....many possibilities with the Flexibility property..

Dani, 5 years ago

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