Filip | 3 years ago | 5 comments | 2 likes | 981 views
Ilja and liuyongcai like this!
Is it a bug or do I something wrong. The robotic arm is moving with reverse writing.
The left arm does its job well. Maybe positioning the arm a bit closer to the text and in the centre will make it more comfortable for the arm to write the text.
I can't see why the right arm does nothing. Maybe the TARGET LAYER prop is pointing to the wrong layer.
michiel, 3 years ago
The reverse writing must be the result of the way you animate the WRITER prop of the sketch layer.
michiel, 3 years ago
When I don't reverse the writing the arm does its job very well. As you see the Writing of the sketch layer works good.
See also the added video, where both arms are working hen you write from left to right.
Filip, 3 years ago
Aha! I think I now understand what you are trying to do.
To make a sketch layer write in reverse you have to animate its WRITER prop from (1,1) to (1,0).
This however makes the robotic arm layer stand still because it always points to the last point of the sketch. As a workaround I think I would point the robotic arm layer to another sketch layer that animates from (1,0) to (0,0) and make this layer invisible with the INVISIBLE effect.
Another option would be to define the vector file in reverse.
michiel, 3 years ago
Thnx Michiel.
Filip, 3 years ago