Filip | 2 years ago | 12 comments | 7 likes | 1.4K views
Decentralized, liuyongcai, Thor5ten and 4 others like this!
You can quite easily make an animated 3d Emoji with BluffTitler:
1. Create an Emoji with picture editing software and save this in a special directory maybe three times and number them 0,1,2
Note: Keep the face in the middle of the yellow canvas and use a canvas with a ratio of 384 by 180 pixels.
2. Change a significant part of the emoji (eg an eye or the mouth... ) and save this 3 times in the same directory and number these 4,5,6.
3. Go to:
4. Browse to the directory and load the images
5. Download the generated sprite sheet
6. Open BluffTitler with a new show
7. Add a Picture Layer and use the new sprite sheet
8. Set the "Picture layer style 1" to "Sphere"
9. Change the Effect for the Picture layer to Effects\Special\Filmstrip.cfx
10.Set the FX frames property to 6 (first slider)
11. Set the FX Frames per second slider to 4 (or to any other value you like)
12. Set the "FX Aspect Ratio" slider to 0
Enjoy you animated emoji.
You can make the animation more fluently by creating "in between" changes.
Bello, grazie per la condivisione
nonnogio, 2 years ago
Thnx Nonnogio, Michiel and Alex-Raymond!
Filip, 2 years ago
Muchas gracias por compartir.
JOSE LUIS, 2 years ago
Thnx LostBoyz, Franco and Jose Luis
Filip, 2 years ago
Thnx, again, Decentralized
Filip, 2 years ago