Filip | 4 years ago | 10 comments | 4 likes | 1.7K views
LostBoyz, cheyenne, Ulli and 1 other like this!
Ok it's not quite right. But I made progress.
I stripped Bix from his body and left the legs and arms. It works partialy with the Bix.cfx effect. The left arm deforms and the right arm is not affected by the Bix.cfx effect. Maybe Michiel can help?
Bix himself is shocked by this Frankensteinian horror.
But.....its alive.
Can't share the show I think, because I used parts of Bix.
Bix model comes with the installer so yes you can leave it out of the show files before the zip file convertion it will be added again by users that have BluffTitler. Just send the Bix with transparant.png texture in the show files.
komies, 4 years ago
But I can't leave the "Bix arms and Legs.x". The whole idea would be lost. See picture.
Filip, 4 years ago
Nice, that you edit the model.
Same result can be achieved with a texture with transparancy on the places you would to make invisible. It's faster and easier to edit a texture.
komies, 4 years ago
Komies I'm a fool. You are right. I thought of this solution and I tried it...thought it didn't work......I saved the texture as a .jpg instead of a .png. So silly...
Filip, 4 years ago
Michiel BluffTitler keeps amazing me. Didn't know this animated font. Must try to make my own animated font. It sounds easy but I think it's more complicated to make.
Filip, 4 years ago
Filip Cool Intro ?
elvis66, 4 years ago