NextPreviousHomeBixelangelo tracing Bitmap

Filip | 3 years ago | 3 comments | 861 views

I tested the Bitmap tracing capabilities of Bixelangelo vs the trancing abilities of Bixelangelo with an external tracer (Settings - options - external tracer). I used as he external tracer: Potrace.

In the picture: Left potrace en right Bixelangelo.
Maybe I used wrong settings in Bixelangelo, if not..potrace gives a more accurate result.

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We could easily add a tracing dialog with options like corner threshold, curve optimization tolerance, speckles suppression and turn policy, but we feel this would make the app unnecessarily complex.

Bixelangelo likes to keep it simple: the world already has enough incomprehensible vector editing apps.

If you like your external tracer better, use that one!

And if you're still not happy, edit the result!

michiel, 3 years ago

@ Michiel,
I didn't want to criticize Bixelangelo and certainly not you.
I love Bixelangelo and I scratched only a small part of the possibilities of Bixelangelo,

I was only surprised bij the difference and thought that I maybe did something wrong.
But Potrace is free and it has a "old", not user friendly interface: working with the dos command line.
This is solved by Bixelangelo and it adds partly a little functionality to Bixelangelo. So you can focus on other things .

Filip, 3 years ago

For giggles fun with Bixelangelo from 10 years ago. 😅

Decentralized, 3 years ago

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