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Filip | a year ago | 8 comments | 9 likes | 471 views

chaver, Tintin, Ulli and 6 others like this!

This is the new kids bike on a dirt Roller coaster.
Changed some trees.
I have a lot to learn.

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The roller coaster road texture looks awesome.

Decentralized, a year ago

And even the roller coaster track is up in the air, fantastic show Filip!

LostBoyz, a year ago

Great show Filip

chaver, a year ago

I think you could animate Bix legs with Mixamo

vincent, a year ago

That's very brave of Bix to ride that roller coaster with a step 😲

Great variation!

michiel, a year ago

Doué le petit Bix et il n'a peur de rien.

le beau jojo, a year ago

Il est doué Bix (ça je le savais déjà), il arrive même à faire du mono-roue sur les bordures ! Je l'engagerai bien dans une épreuve comme "Dre dans l'pentu" ! (c'est du patois savoyard: "Tout droit dans la pente") 🤩

He is gifted Bix (I already knew that), he even manages to ride a single wheel on the curbs! I would engage him in a test like "Dre dans l'pentu"! (it's Savoyard patois: "Straight on the slope") 🤩

Alex-Raymond T., a year ago

What a beautiful test with the kids bike, Filip!

Ulli, a year ago

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