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Filip | 2 years ago | 5 comments | 7 likes | 637 views

Ilja, Decentralized, LostBoyz and 4 others like this!

You can have more animations in one glb.

I think it's not fully working, maybe someone has a better idea to combine more Mixamo animations into one sequence.

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What you are trying to do is called animation blending: the process of making a smooth transition between two animations on a single model. I'm sure the app called "Blender" can do this 🤣

Maybe we can add this functionality to BluffTitler. Thank you for your request!

michiel, 2 years ago

Good find on the link, Filip. Thank you.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

Voir mon article d'il y a 2 jour où je traite ce problème qui est rès facile à résoudre par Blender lors de la convertion FBX en GLB, même si on est pas un spécialiste de ce logiciel. Il y a une dizaine d'opérations de manipulation à connaître.
L'idéal serait Que BluffTitler puisse traiter directement comme le propose Michiel (qui est régulièrement sousmis à rude épreuve !) Merci Michiel !
En attendant si certains se sentent le courage d'apprendre, je veux bien essayer de faire un peit tuto explicatif.

See my article from 2 days ago where I deal with this problem which is very easy to solve by Blender when converting FBX to GLB, even if you are not a specialist in this software. There are about ten manipulation operations to know.
The ideal would be that BluffTitler can deal directly as Michiel proposes (who is regularly subjected to severe test!) Thank you Michiel!
In the meantime if some feel the courage to learn, I am willing to try to make a small explanatory tutorial.

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

Excellente initiative Filip

PAT67, 2 years ago

Thank Filip for this useful link.
Raymond, un petit tuto je ne suis pas contre parce que je n'ai pas bien compris comment tu concatène les sequences d'animation dans Blender malgré tes explications dans le document Word. Merci d'avance.

vincent, 2 years ago

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