Filip | 5 years ago | 4 comments | 7 likes | 1.6K views
chaver, michiel, Tintin and 4 others like this!
There is a difference in the option to let text to use the Float in water option or to use a colourmap in the Water layer.
Maybe there are more creative options to use a Colourmap ons the water layer..who knows...There are more creative options in BT than you can imagine.
In my opinion the difference is that text (or other objects) embedded in colourmap looks 2D while text floating in water looks 3D.
vincent, 5 years ago
Yes, experimenting with BluffTitler can be a reward on its own.
The joy of finding a new trick or effect in BluffTitler is something to relish.
The other side of this coin is that it will take time and frustration when something you imagined just will not seem to work. So close but yet so far away.
But don't give up, try and experiment and ask questions here in the community and sometimes there will be an other answer than "thank you for you feature request" and Michiel has pulled another RabBix out of his hat with a new or edited effect.
komies, 5 years ago
Yes, Komies, you are absolutely right and congratulations to Filip for his inventiveness.
Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago