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Filip | 4 years ago | 8 comments | 9 likes | 1.1K views

liuyongcai, LostBoyz, Ulli and 6 others like this!

Michiel, it would be great when we could make animated fun text. attach one (or more) filmstrip(s) (sprite) layer to an text.

And a possibility to grow only hair on the top of the text. This is only possible to use the launch normal in combination with the launch plane position.

And why isn't it possible to add the show in a question???

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Fun show!

1) I think attaching the text and the legs to the same container layer, as you probably have done, is a much better solution.

2) That way we would miss the pubic hair ?

3) Feel free to abuse a normal post to ask a question with an attachment!

michiel, 4 years ago

Trop rigolo ,en effet un super alphabet en perspective

PAT67, 4 years ago

well done Filip

vincent, 4 years ago

Oh wow, this "B" looks so funny. I like it.
I think, we need an complete alphabet.

Ulli, 4 years ago

Thnx Michiel, Vincent, Pat and Ulli. Ulli you can now make your own animated alphabet with the linked show!

Filip, 4 years ago

Muy bueno , Filip

persiana, 4 years ago

Très rigolo ! Bravo filip

maggico, 4 years ago

I downloaded it. Thank you very much for sharing, Filip!

Ulli, 4 years ago

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