NextPreviousHomeThank you Michiel!

Filip | 3 years ago | 16 comments | 13 likes | 2.1K views

gato@mo, LostBoyz, DanaM and 10 others like this!

Where in the world can you find a company and it's CEO with such a user friendly software, with a business model that cherishes it's customers in a way that they pay once for the software and get all the new releases and update for free. And where the CEO is as (user) friendly as Michiel is........always patient, enthusiastic and helpful, creative and innovative and with one boundary I noticed....don't jeopardize the user-friendliness of the software....

Thanks Michiel, I hope you forgive our ongoing and sometimes irritating quest for new features, our silly and sometimes unnecessary questions when we should know better.
You are the best!

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Thank you Filip!

but... I am receiving too much credit here. BluffTitler is a collective effort, not in the last place thanks to all the active community users like yourself. Thank you !πŸ‘½!

michiel, 3 years ago

Thank you Michiel

chaver, 3 years ago

I too would like to add my praise of the Software also, and also my thanks to Michiel for his ongoing overall help no matter how small or trivial. Cheers John

Pioneer, 3 years ago

Yes, I make a lot of requests, but I think I have never found a company that is so open as ideas and that tries to please its customers-users. It is also for this reason that wherever I go I do a great advertisement for Outerspace by making many people buy the software. I believe very much in Blufftitler, so much so that I make comparisons even with very big software, which most of the time is not able to do what BluffTitler does. When asked what BluffTitler is, I really struggle to answer. I think BluffTitler is really "a lot of stuff" !!
Thanks Michiel !!

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

The direct dialog with the BT conceptor is PRICELESS !!! no such support with the big firms like Sony, Magix, Adobe etc......
Long life to BT and Michiel and thank you for the Wonderful program, and for your patience and kindness too!

vincent, 3 years ago

Je m'associe à tous ces commentaires Michiel à un grand talent et des méthodes novatrices dont nous profitons tous !
Merci Michiel

PAT67, 3 years ago

Si, Michiel es el mejor, este lugar es el mejor, y gracias por todos las atenciones, como dice filp, a veces pedimos o decimos algo y Michiel nos tolera porque en particular no se de programación,
Larga vida a BluffTitler,

gato@mo, 3 years ago

Je n'ai pas de mots assez élogieux pour remercier Michiel de sa disponibilté auprès de chacun de nous quand nous sommes dans la peine, mais le cœur y est !
Merci aussi à Filip d'avoir lancer ce post.
Très bonnes Fêtes à tous et Joyeux Noël.

I don't have enough words of praise to thank Michiel for his availability to each of us when we are in pain, but the heart is there!
Thanks also to Filip for starting this post.
Happy Holidays to all and Merry Christmas.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Uso BluffTitler per i miei montaggi video, sono sicuro che non c'è programma migliore che possa sostituirlo per la velocità di esecuzione, per la sua duttilità, intuitivo, soprattutto per la disponibilità che ho trovato nella comunità, pronti a risolverti qualsiasi problema. Il tutto ad un prezzo irrisorio.
Grazie ed auguri a tutti.

nonnogio, 3 years ago

Merci Michiel pour ton immense patience et toujours prêt à aider les uns, les autres. Joyeuses Fêtes en souhaitant que cette pandémie disparaisse. Encore Merci.

Eddy, 3 years ago

A legjobb program a világon!

LostBoyz, 3 years ago

I agree. Michiel is wonderful.

Decentralized, 3 years ago

Thnx all for your acclamation of my post. @Michiel you can't deny it 🀣. You're the bestπŸ‘.

Filip, 3 years ago


michiel, 3 years ago

My BT friends have already said it all and I am happy to agree with their words.
Michiel and BluffTitler = simply the best!

Ulli, 3 years ago

I travel with Michiel so years...he is the best of all time ..very disciple, punctual, honest, kindhearted,
innovative, eager to help, patience ,simplicity, last but not least a real gentleman...i love him personally...
MICHIEL IS THE BEST...God bless you...

Dani, 3 years ago

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