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Filip | 7 years ago | 4 comments | 4 likes | 1.7K views

persiana, Ulli, Sma and 1 other like this!

I tried to make more donut specialties from bix pack 21.

As I'm not a 3d specialist I stopped to make one mijzelf.
So I adapted the model "KB_DonutX[2] and added the particle "KB_SpheroidX".

Now my question: Is it possible to add the particle in a "fixed" position for the duration of the show. As you see the particles are appearing and disappearing, although i tried to get the as fixed as possible.

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For Fixed Particles:

-set the minimum and maximum number of particles to the same number. Set the MIN/MAX PARTICLES property to something like (1000,1000)
-set PARTICLE SIZE property to equal sizes like (3,3,3)
-set the LIFETIME prop to the duration of the show or longer.

komies, 7 years ago

Komies is the best....

Dani, 7 years ago

Agree with Dani!

vincent, 7 years ago

THnx Komies you're a Bluffmaster!

Filip, 7 years ago

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