NextPreviousHomeHow to make a BT "oliebol"

Filip | 7 years ago | 5 comments | 2.0K views

Does anybody knows how to make a delicious looking "oliebol" in BT

I tried to make one with a sphere but that doesn't do the trick.
For an example:
A real "oliebol with "poedersuiker" is shown in the left high corner of the video. In the middle you see my try-out.
In the right lower corner ÿou see a plain "oliebol".

Some suggestions?

For the ones who don't know what an Oliebol is:
An oliebol (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈoːlibɔl], plural oliebollen is a traditional Dutch food. They are called oliebollen (literally: oil spheres) in the Netherlands. It's a tradition to bake them before new years eve.

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With what you already have....

Use your texture and select style sphere/ Change effect (F8) to ColourmapDisplacementmapReflectionmap.cfx and select for Displacementmap the Landscape_Displacementmap.png and play with the properties like Size about 100.

To perfect it more make in paint app the texture and displacementmap the same size and place on the displacementmap with a lighter gray dots where the currants are in the texture to make them pop-out.

When your animation (keys) is done / clone the oliebol and delete the texture now there will be a white bol in it's place and you can with the FX Clip position let the oliebol seem to be covered in powdered sugar.

Simple effect for particles would be, let the particles fall down over and thru the oliebol and animate the clip position and transparency to let it appear to grow.

Good luck and have fun and have a great 2018

komies, 7 years ago


vincent, 7 years ago

Thnx Komies I'm busy learning.

Filip, 7 years ago

I think Komies is right that displacementmapping is the answer.

Questions remains: how do you create a displacementmap and colourmap of an oliebol???

Would be fun to create an oliebol texture generator app!

But we will have to think of other sphere like objects to make it profitable:

Can you think of other sphere like objects that we need textures for?

michiel, 7 years ago

Must not forget the mouthwatering Schneeball, found a short 6 hr drive from you Michiel, down the A3 in Rothenburg ob der Tauber!

Man I miss that part of the world especially this time of year! Yum yum!

BTW, Happy New Year & 2018 to EVERYONE!


amiga, 7 years ago

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